How to use and maintain your refillable pod of RELX Phantom and Infinity?

How to use and maintain your refillable pod of RELX Phantom and Infinity?

MIKU empty pod Out-of-the-box evaluation.
Tear off, remove the cylinder cap. Tear off the aluminum platinum packaging.
Remove the side silicone plug of the MIKU empty pod and inject the MIKU e-liquid.
After filling the e-juice, put back the silicone plug. After filling with e-juice, stand the empty pod for ten minutes, and then connect the MIKU pod to the kit.
How to properly use and maintain MIKU empty bombs.
1. Do not blow into the mouthpiece when smoking. When exhaling, take the cigarette rod away from your lips.
2. It is not recommended to smoke heavily, lie down or smoke continuously, otherwise the pod will easily burn with a pasty smell.
3. When taking a plane or going to some high-altitude places, it is recommended to pack it in a sealed bag to avoid e-juice leakage.
4. Before and after use, occasionally check whether the contact part of the cigarette rod and the pod is stained with condensate. If there is, wipe it with a paper towel to avoid poor contact or damage to the device.
5. If smoke frequently, turn the cigarette holder downward, wrap it with a tissue and shake it a few times to shake out the condensate. Then twist the paper towel into a thin shape, insert it into the flue mouth to clean up the condensate attached to the flue mouth.
6. When the e-liquid in the MIKU pod is nearly used up, it should be filled in time to avoid dry burning. In addition, before filling the oil, you can twist the paper towel into a thin shape, insert it to wipe off the e-juice remaining in the pod, and then inject MIKU e-juice, the taste will be better.
7. In order to ensure the taste of MIKU pods, it is recommended to use a new pod after filling it with e-juice three to five times.
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